Life without colour

As I continue to adjust to my reality without sight I have been reflecting over the past few days over what I miss the most. As stated previously I didn’t have a lot of useful sight before my accident and what I had was only in one eye (the one I bashed on the cupboard door!) however I was able to make out certain things, shapes, outlines, glimpses and so on.

I’ve already blogged about how my new situation won’t really affect the way I access information as I’ve been doing this via computers and other electronic means for years. yes there is the obvious impact it is having on my ability to get around independently particularly in unfamiliar settings. yes there is all that as well as other stuff like now knowing when the lights are on in a room, disturbed sleep patterns and the visual hallucinations which I’m still getting although not as regularly.

What then do I miss the most?

Well it’s dawned on me that what I miss the most is colour. yes it’s true that before the accident I could only make out bold colours and was no good with subtle pastel shades or the difference between a navy blue and a black for instance however I could nonetheless tell if something was red, green, yellow etc etc.

Why does this matter?

Well I’ve not really thought about this aspect of going totally blind before but it has hit me in the past few days that the absence of all colour in my life is at best tedious and at best quite depressing. No longer can i see the vibrant colour of my oldest daughter’s auburn hair and the different shades of hair of my other children. No longer can I see the colour of the clothes I am wearing or would like to wear or that of those worn by others. No longer can i tell the colour of our car from that of the others around me. No longer can i see if it’s a sunny day versus an overcast day although yes I can feel the warmth of the sun on me. No longer will I be able to look out the window on a snowy day and see the blanket of white. No longer will I be able to see the contrast between grass and the path in a park or even a glimpse of bright lights or fireworks in dark winter skies.

I could go on but hopefully you get the message. yes i have my mental images of ow things were but even now they are starting to fade. yes I have weird sensations of bright light and darkness even though this is totally unrelated to external stimulus and I think is part of the visual hallucinations. Yes I have found myself paying much more attention to the sounds of things around me to formulate a picture of what’s around me. yes I can get people to describe things to me as happened on some occasions before.

This is all true. I’m sure I will get used to it and find other ways to engage my imagination but that doesn’t take away from the fact that my world is now one not even of black and white but black and black. I know what I had before wasn’t a lot but it really is true that you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone and boy am I missing it at the moment.

3 Responses to “Life without colour”

  1. Andrea Says:

    Yes, that is so true.

    When I was growing up, we watched snooker on a black and white TV and I was able to tell which ball was which because it was a different shade of grey but no one else could; they just looked at the screen not knowing what was going on.

  2. warranfawcett Says:

    Hi Phil,
    You are so right that we often don’t appreciate what we have until it is gone. I was speaking at camp the other week about how God’s invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made so they are without excuse (Romans 1:20). We can really appreciate God’s divine nature and his eternal power when we observe what is around us – He truly is an awesome creator. He also gave us eyes to see and take in and love things He made. Not having eyes to see His eternal power in what has been made must be absolutely awful! However, I praise God that you have not only seen these things previously, but actually know and have a relationship with the King of Kings who is alive and kicking within you! How amazing Phil to see His awesome beauty when we meet him face to face – oh what a day! You will truly know and be known by Him who rescued from the dominion of darkness and transferred you into the kingdom of the Son he loves. You will love Him all the more and appreciate His beauty in a way different to me because I currently take my eyes for granted, even though they are heavily corrected to see clearly. When you clock Him for the first time, to see Jesus in all His glory, with new eyes will be the most magnificent thing! Living in a broken world makes us long for the redemption of our bodies even more. My only encouragement to you is to keep your mind focused on things above and to think on that day when you will meet your rescuer, your redeemer, your saviour and your King face to face and you will behold his beauty and majesty and glory and honour. Oh, happy day!

    God bless mate,


    • philstep Says:

      Hi Warran,

      You know I’ve never really thought about that aspect of it much so thanks for sharing it. There is a way in which you get so used to living with an impairment that it is hard to think of life without it even though you long for it. Yes I do believe that one day I will truly see God in all his glory and will have a new body including eyes that work, a nose that doesn’t sniff and get permanently blocked and joints that don’t creak from arthritis, I believe it, I just haven’t really dwelled on it and so thanks again for the reminder.

      Yes even when I had a little vision I did appreciate the limited sense of being able to “see” god’s glory in the created world although if I’m honest I think the Lake district is over-rated – just a bunch of rocks and steep hills (?!!) although I will miss seeing the sand and sea in Northumberland but as I type I can remember the sound of the gulls and the feel of the sand between my toes!!

      so thanks as ever for your encouragement and let’s look forward together to the day I get new eyes and you get ew knees!!

      I hope your next week of camp goes well and God blesses you all in whatever you’re doing.

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